Conclusions to Research

  • A genuine smile is called a Duchenne smile.
  • A genuine smile arises from the limbic system.
  • A fake smile is generated in the cerebral cortex.
  • The differences between a real or fake smile are quite small and humans are not very accurate at differentiating between the two.
  • Research shows those who displayed Duchenne smiles in their school/college yearbook photo were more likely to live happier, longer lives.
  • The documentary I watched called ‘Too ugly for love’ was very interesting because it showed the different ways in which BDD affects suffers.
  • Some avoid social interactions and some resort to plastic surgery.
  • Kayla had seven operations on her nose to try to correct the imperfections she perceived.

  • It was appalling to hear that Kayla had been on a waiting list  for counselling for nearly two and a half years.
  • Plastic surgery does not alleviate the problems of sufferers. Cosmetic surgery can actually exacerbate the condition.
  • There is a high instance of suicide in suffers. ‘Subjects had high rates of lifetime suicidal ideation (78.0%) and suicide attempts (27.5%). Body dysmorphic disorder was the primary reason for suicidal ideation in 70.5% of those with a history of ideation and nearly half of subjects with a past attempt.’
  • Some famous people who are suspected of suffering from BDD are Heidi Montag and the late Michael Jackson.
  • Using the brushes was fun. Hopefully they will work to create blemishes and scars on the photograph. Some looked more realistic than others.
  • Sufferers display repetitive behaviors such as picking their skin and looking in the mirror.
  • Babies are very sensitive to the facial expressions of others.

Duchenne smile – The Cheshire Cat – Idea generation

My first idea would include people smiling. This tells me that a genuine smile is called a Duchenne smile.

‘… if you compare A and B carefully you will see a number of differences.’

B shows real enjoyment with a Duchenne smile.

  • the cheeks are higher
  • the contour of the cheeks has changed
  • the eyebrows have moved down slightly

These are all due to the action of the outer part of the muscle that orbits the eye.

When the smile is much broader, there is only one clue that distinguishes between enjoyment and non-enjoyment smiles.

C is a very broad non-enjoyment smile – A broad smile, such as in photo C pushes up the cheeks, gathers the skin under the eye, narrows the eye aperture and even produces crow’s-feet wrinkles. All of this without any involvement of the muscle that orbits the eye. Photo C, incidentally, is a composite photograph made by pasting D from the lower eyelids down on to the neutral photograph E.

Photo D is a broad enjoyment smile – the eyebrow and eye coverfold (the skin between the eyelid and the eyebrow) have been pulled down by the muscle orbiting the eye.

Photo F is a composite photograph – the smiling lips from picture D have been pasted on to the neutral photograph E.

Human beings can not produce the expression shown in photo F.

The reason it looks so strange is because when the smile is this broad it produces all the changes in the cheeks and eyes that you see in D.

This website…

…mentions the Cheshire Cat and this shows my idea of having eyes and a smile with the rest of the face missing.×313.jpg

Looking at this stuff has definitely given me some ideas. Here is a sketch of the missing face idea.

Now I’ll try a rough version in Photoshop. Here is the before:

Here’s the after:

It looks very strange. Lets do another.

Here is the after:

Here I’ve put it together as I imagined the idea would look in my head. It looks very strange.

I’ll have to try another idea.

The photography tutor said that making people’s’ eyes red can make them look evil.

I think some more ideas are needed.