How I chose the words maquillage and thurible

I thought about using the word fractal as fractals look very interesting. Since I have to take a photograph I’ve looked in to fractals in nature. This site has some great examples of fractals in nature.

I don’t think I’ll be able to take a picture of any of these apart from the pineapple or the fern. As I don’t think this will be very eye-catching so I wont be pursuing this word.


I was walking through the library and saw this book which gave me an idea. I had the idea to photograph some masks as I have a friend who owns a Venetian mask. I would have to think of a word to go with this. Perhaps the word ‘Venetian‘ would be suitable.


It was a massive lucky strike to find the word maquillage. I was in my photography class and the tutor said she thought the work maquillage would be a good one. When she said it meant make-up I knew it was right for me.


I was trying to think of a second word I could use. I remembered that I have access to a Church which has a few items inside with interesting names. I asked a relative what the incense container is called. She said a thurible. So thurible will be my second word.

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